Happy Friday


Happy Friday y'all!  I might be a tad MIA for a couple days since I have finals on Monday and Tuesday...so don't forget about me!  So far my methods of procrastination have included painting my nails, cleaning my baseboards, and making four dozen cupcakes and muffins....so blogging may be next.  (At least that doesn't have any calories or require any physical labor.)  Oh yeah, did I mention that my finals will be my last exams ever before I get my masters?  I will be DONE!  Wish me luck!
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  1. Happy hiatus! I am in a similar boat: done fri, and I will have my J.D.! Yay! Good luck, and congrats!

  2. Good luck!!!

    I sent an email to you about sequin pants :-)

  3. Best of luck with your finals... I remember those last few, such a relief :)
